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AWS Security: Key Vulnerabilities and Remediation Strategies

Posted on April 16, 2024 by Will

The 2024 State of Cloud Security report by Orca reveals that 2023 was a landmark year for cyberattacks, which have not only increased in volume but also in sophistication. This surge is partly attributed to advancements in AI technologies, which cybercriminals are leveraging to craft more complex and covert attack vectors. Additionally, the spread of ransomware attacks continues to pose significant threats to organizations worldwide.

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Moving away from the Monolith — faster, better with a Product Mindset

Posted on July 25, 2023 by Zac Beckman

Not that long ago I asked a team member what he was working on. He said, “It’s what our scrum master assigned me.” While I was tempted to dive into how that kind of scrum worked (or didn’t), I wasn’t looking to understand team dynamics. I rephrased my question and asked, “Ok, got it. Why is this feature important right now?”

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Automate all the things with live documents

Posted on February 23, 2023 by Zac Beckman

There’s never enough time to get everything done. It’s loads of fun to just “code stuff up” and get it done, show off a fancy demo, and hear everyone oooh and ahhh. Or, build out a slick CI/CD pipeline that gives each developer their own ephemeral environment, tests the heck out of new code, blocks all the threats, and then shuts itself down all without incurring any noticable cost. That gets plenty of oooh’s and ahhh’s too.

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